

baby coming soon?

he arrived ? pretty personalized creations to discover for this happy event. Unique and personalized birth gifts to discover.

so wood personalized christmas ball
“My first Christmas” bauble
CHF 35.00
Weihnachtskugel „Kleiner Prinz“
Little Prince ball “My first Christmas”
The initial price was: CHF 42.00.The current price is: CHF 39.00.
Ball on the Moon
Ball on the moon “My first Christmas”
The initial price was: CHF 42.00.The current price is: CHF 39.00.
Weihnachtskugel Auf dem Mond
Weihnachtskugel „Auf dem Mond“ Mein erstes Weihnachten
The initial price was: CHF 42.00.The current price is: CHF 39.00.
Weihnachtskugel Kleiner Prinz
Weihnachtskugel „Kleiner Prinz“ Mein erstes Weihnachten
The initial price was: CHF 42.00.The current price is: CHF 39.00.
Whale wall decoration to personalize
Whale wall decoration
CHF 55.00
Dinosaur wall decoration
CHF 54.00
Cosmonaut wall decoration
Cosmonaut wall decoration
CHF 54.00
Turtle wall decoration
CHF 55.00
Height Chart Giraffe
Giraffe wooden height chart
CHF 240.00
height chart zebra
Mr. Zebra wooden height chart
CHF 240.00
Giraffe decoration to personalize
Giraffe on his cloud
CHF 58.00
Wooden dinosaur to personalize
T-Rex the dinosaur
CHF 55.00CHF 65.00
Wooden dinosaur to personalize
Wooden dinosaur to personalize
CHF 55.00CHF 65.00
engraved step cards
Wood baby milestone cards
CHF 60.00
Personalized baby stacking tower
Personalized baby stacking tower
CHF 48.00
Rabbit to customize
Rabbit Bunny to personalize
CHF 36.00
Bunny car – push-along baby car
CHF 45.00