Statutory information

The site is an online site for the sale of wooden objects.

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This site is edited by Gravotech Engraving Sàrl

It belongs to :

Gravotech Engraving Sàrl – Rue des Planchettes 15, 2900 Porrentruy – SWITZERLAND

Such. : +41 32 466 78 87


If you wish to contact us, please send us an e-mail to

The publisher is Gravotech Engraving Sàrl.


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Designer and service provider for the implementation of this site:

This website was created by DIGITAL SOLUTIONS SA using the WordPress platform.

Media Credit

The photographs of the products used on the site are the property of Gravotech Engraving Sàrl, the other photographs or animations are either the property of Gravotech Engraving Sàrl; Third party licenses to Gravotech Engraving Sàrl; or legally free. Check with Gravotech Engraving Sàrl before reusing one or more of these photos or animations.

The information on this site does not contain any legal obligation or contractual agreement on the part of Gravotech Engraving Sàrl, which reserves the right to modify or correct it at any time and without notice.

Despite the care and vigilance taken with regard to the quality and reliability of the information contained on this site, it is provided for information only, without guarantee, explicit or implicit; Validity, completeness or timeliness. The user therefore acknowledges using this information only under his responsibility.

Gravotech Engraving Sàrl cannot be held responsible for errors, missing information and/or the presence of viruses on this site.

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